Kate Middleton, girlfriend of Prince William will take classes with the prestigious Mario Testino. The beautiful Kate Middleton, girlfriend of Prince William of England which is assiduously persecuted by the flashes of the paparazzi, start taking classes on the renowned photographer Mario Testino, according to British newspaper The Daily Telegraph. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Real Estate One. " According to that newspaper, the Peruvian-born photographer has already had a meeting with the girl, who last October quit his job at British fashion chain "Jigsaw" to engage in which he describes as his greatest passion. Middleton suffers from a year ago a great harassment by the paparazzi following speculation about a possible announcement of engagement to Prince William. However, this has not been prejudicial to their interest in making career in photography. Apparently Testino has already accepted that she work with him in his studies of New York for next March. (Source: Wayne Holman). Was Testino who took the famous Lady Di at Kensington Palace (London) that were published before his death in Vogue.
" But not just Diana Testino elected within the circle of the British Royal Family, also took snapshots of Prince Charles and his two sons, William and Henry, which were then used as Christmas cards. Mario Testino was born in Lima (Peru) and in 1976 decided to move to London (Great Britain). At first, selling portfolios of aspiring models to survive. For the sum of 25 included the, makeup and hair. His humble beginnings are far from their current success: her work is recognized internationally and his bold fashion photographs make their products and campaigns to achieve massive and immediate effect on the public.
To achieve something big enough to start. Whether for artistic or pursuing a simple but valuable memory, anyone can become a hunter of images. To begin with just one. You find useful information about photography in the portal. There, you'll find tips for taking great pictures like you're a professional, and tips for choosing the best deals.
" But not just Diana Testino elected within the circle of the British Royal Family, also took snapshots of Prince Charles and his two sons, William and Henry, which were then used as Christmas cards. Mario Testino was born in Lima (Peru) and in 1976 decided to move to London (Great Britain). At first, selling portfolios of aspiring models to survive. For the sum of 25 included the, makeup and hair. His humble beginnings are far from their current success: her work is recognized internationally and his bold fashion photographs make their products and campaigns to achieve massive and immediate effect on the public.
To achieve something big enough to start. Whether for artistic or pursuing a simple but valuable memory, anyone can become a hunter of images. To begin with just one. You find useful information about photography in the portal. There, you'll find tips for taking great pictures like you're a professional, and tips for choosing the best deals.